5 Ways to Get your College Beach Vibe on During Winter

By Ed Gregory via Stokpic

By: Pam Rossow

As you sit by your window in between college classes and watch the snow fall—and fall, and fall—you may be struggling to overcome the winter blahs. They can hit at any time and without warning. What can you do to embrace your inner sun and melt those icy blues away? Here are 5 ways you can try to get your beach vibe back:

Listen to reggae. There’s something about Three Little Birds and Jamming that can make you smile and remind you of the beach. The music doesn’t have to be reggae, though. Stream your favorite beach playlist or ocean meditation, close your eyes, and relax.

Picture yourself lounging in a beach chair, listening to the crashing waves, and feeling the sun’s warmth on your skin. According to Psych Central, “listening to music can have a tremendously relaxing effect on our minds and bodies”[i] so carve out a few minutes of your busy college schedule to do something positive for your mind and health.

Grab a book. Immediately transport yourself to white sands and turquoise waters by reading a beach book. Whether you prefer a beach book with a tinge of psychological horror like Stephen King’s Duma’s Key or romantic suspense like Nora Robert’s The Reef, any book involving the beach that intrigues you will do. If you prefer a more historical bend, what about The Republic of Pirates: Being the True and Surprising Story of the Caribbean Pirates and the Man Who Brought Them Down?

Visit your campus or local library. Make the most of what it has to offer. In addition to traditional books, there may be books on CD, online books to download for free that can be read on a handheld device, relaxing music CDs to pick from, magazines, travel videos with tropical destinations, and more.

Enroll in a marine biology class. If you are a college science major and you have met the necessary prerequisites, how about taking a marine biology class? Since marine biology is the study of ocean life, you might enjoy learning how organisms living in salt water avoid dehydration or what some environmental factors are in marine communities that affect biodiversity.

If you are a high school student, consider taking marine biology as one of your science electives. Many classes have labs that are hands on and may enable you to become more involved with ocean environments.

Plan your spring break. Believe it or not, spring will be here and with it a break from college. Start mapping out your plans, while those cold winds are blasting you, and get excited about sunshine and blue skies. Keep in mind the following factors:

Communicate. Talk to your friends and family and determine if you want to go away with friends or spend time with family at home or on vacation. Nail down who will accompany you in advance before booking a hotel room or flight.

Budget. Create a spring break budget. Consider whether you will fly or drive, if you will be splitting the hotel room expense with friends, the cost of meals, and other essentials like sunscreen, entertainment, and that perfect bathing suit.

Weather. Every place has an on- or off-season so do your research. The last thing you want is to book a week only to find out that the weather is still cold there and you need a coat instead of your suitcase full of spring clothes.

Location. If you’re wondering where a lot of spring breakers go for great weather, popular destinations are: Miami and South Beach, FL, Cancun, Mexico, Daytona Beach, FL, Las Vegas, NV, and Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.[ii] If you decide on a staycation, ask locals where the best beaches or lakes are and discover a “new” spot you didn’t realize was nearby.

Digging out your beach vibe from layers of winter clothing may be a challenge at this time of year but not impossible. Brush off those snowflakes and warm up to the idea of a perpetual summer. Even if the frigid temperatures have you huddling in front of your space heater, have some friends over for a tropical themed party, add some sun kissed highlights to you hair, or pretend you’re relaxing on a Hawaiian beach while sipping a pineapple smoothie.

What are some of your favorite ways to celebrate college spring and summer breaks? Comment below!


[i] http://psychcentral.com/lib/the-power-of-music-to-reduce-stress/000930

[ii] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stephanie-be/spring-break-destinations_b_4996482.html

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